The 1971 Stage band was an audition only group of musicians selected by Charles Medert (Music Director)
Stage Band 1 (Title forgotten)
It Aint what you do But the Way that you do It
Stage Band 2 (Title forgotten)
Theme from "The Apartment"
Victory at Sea
Lon Stratton - Sax/Flute | Jerry Purcell - Trumpet | Jim Green - Trombone | Bob Gilbert - drums | Ken Tench - Bass | Larry Pester - Guitar/Keyboards | Bob Lessel - Vocals
Black Magic Woman
25 or Six to Four
Soul Sacrifice
Larry's Song
Song 1
Mercy Mercy Mercy
Song 2
Friday Night Basketball pre-game*
*On the Friday Night Basketball pre-game set, the "Recording Engineer" did not have the microphone placed properly, so we can hardly hear the fantastic vocals of Bob Lessel.....Sorry Bob.
Lon Stratton - Tenor | Bob Seybold - Baritone | Mark Stephenson - Alto | Joe Seal - Alto
El Capeo
Full Soundtrack