Music and video from 1969-1986

Madeira High School 1969-1971

Musicians (Horn Ensemble): Lon Stratton, Bob Lessel, Larry Pester, Bob Gilbert, Bruce Hillman, Ken Tench, Jim Green, Mark Stephenson, Joe Seal and Bob Seybold. Also included is the entire audio track of the 1969 Madeira High School Variety Show "Oops!"
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The Imperials 1970

Musicians: Lon Stratton, Maurice Crutcher, Ken Tench, Jerry Purcell and Bruce Hillman.
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Rainbows End/Circle of Sound 1976-1978

Musicians: Lon Stratton, Chuck Zix, Don Wilson, Brett Rockwood, Dave Oravec and Doug Huffman.
Various lead singers including: Mark McGrath, Dena Rey & Dino Davis, Steve Coghill, Jan Huffman and others.
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Jazz Backgrounds 1982-1983

Musicians: Lon Stratton, Bob Zeichner, Dennis Biernot, Ken Shepard and Calvin Posner
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Lessel | Stratton original songs 1973-1986

Musicians: Bob Lessel, Lon Stratton
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